Do you deserve a treat?

Fluffy Banana Pancakes with Chocolate Mousse

Why exactly have we been saying this phrase, “I deserve a treat”? We’ve heard it millions of times throughout our lives, in good times and bad.

“Hey, you’ve had a rough day, let’s get some ice cream, it’ll cheer you up.”

“You worked so hard today! You totally deserve that slice of cake/beer/insert guilty pleasure.”

And here we all are going, “Why am I such an emotional eater?”. Continue reading “Do you deserve a treat?”

How to Breakfast

Breakfast seems to be a problem area for a lot of people… or just a skipped area for a lot of people.

There’s a lot of confusion as to what’s “best” for breaking our nightly fast.

In general, as with anything, the simpler the better.

If you’re constantly rushing in the morning, there’s still a way to squeeze it in. There’s always a way! Continue reading “How to Breakfast”

To eat or not to eat…

To eat or not to eat

Too often I hear my friends and clients say (and who am I kidding, me too… I’m not innocent here!) “I wasn’t hungry but.. there was so much left and I didn’t want to throw it out. Ugh so stuffed…”.

The thing is, when we feel stuffed, we feel a little gross… and maybe self criticism starts in the form of, “Why did I keep eating… I could have stopped earlier… I always just eat what’s in front of me…I can’t seem to stop…etc etc etc”. Continue reading “To eat or not to eat…”